Minutes – 16 November 2011

North Kelvin Community Council Draft Minutes

Wednesday 16 November 2011 at 6:30pm
St. Charles School

Members present: Kate Wooding (Chair- KW), Peter Blackshaw (PW), Douglas Peacock (DP), Jane Morgan (JM), Julia Macpherson (JMc), Cameron Macfarlane (CM), Rachel Morley (RM)

Attending: Gordon Barnes (GB), Councillor Mackechnie (JMcK); Ian Stoddart, Rona Wilkinson, Laura Barton, Fiona Rintoul, Savanha Vivalis

Apologies: Ken Andrew

Police report

1. The community policing team reported on levels of crime in the area. Of note was an increase in crimes of dishonesty, accounted for by house break ins with the Murano Street area a particular concern. Extra patrols had been put in place. In response to a number of comments from members, police officers noted that any unusual and concerning behaviour should be reported. It was also agreed that placing posters in closes would be useful to, for example, warn about bike theft. Text would be prepared for agreement with the police (Action: KW )

2. The police officers noted that information on broad categories of crime (dishonesty, violence, road traffic) were available by ward on the Strathclyde Police web site (16 for NKCC) but more detailed information would only be given orally. (See subsequent discussion at 10 below.)

Recent issues dealt with by the Community Council

3. KW invited those who had been members of the CC prior to recent elections to update others present on issues taken up by NKCC. This included reports and updates on the North Kelvin Meadow, objections to liquor licenses and concerns about handling of CC objections and proposals (now not being pursued by the Council) for a traffic management order in the Kelvinside Gardens/Fergus Drive/Oban Drive vicinity. KW informed the meeting that the Council had invited the CC to meet with the school to pursue the CC’s proposals for non-statutory actions. ( Action: KW to arrange date) Members also noted that there was a determination to pursue, with local residents, lane clean-ups that had been intended but not achieved.

4. Savanha Vivalis alerted those present to her concern about elderly residents on steeper streets, eg Fergus Drive, finding it hard to get to local shops. She encouraged members to promote the dial a bus service.

Planning system

5. A presentation and discussion on the planning system had been intended but KW sought the meeting’s agreement to deferral until January given other business and technical difficulties. (Action JM)

Doing business by e-mail

6. The meeting discussed a proposal raised at previous meetings for doing business by e-mail. KW agreed to update her previous paper in the light of discussion that included new proposals such as “pairing” for officer roles so that problems do not arise in taking forward action when a member is unavailable. (Action KW) KW and GB also noted that training would be provided on CC e-mail arrangements and on document filing (Action GB).


Additional members

7. Ian Stoddart and Rona Wilkinson expressed interest in becoming members of NKCC. PB agreed to ensure that they had necessary papers (Action PB). Laura Barton would also consider membership.

Local area committee (LAC) and community reference group

8. Members noted that NKCC was entitled to send a member to the LAC. While the nominee could not vote on business, he/she could present views of the CC. Amongst other things the LAC awards small grants to local organisations. Meetings are in the daytime making attendance difficult for most. KW agreed to be the first nominee at least in order to receive papers with JMc to be named as substitute. The Reference group provides a sounding board in relation to activities of the Community Planning Partnership and again KW agreed to receive papers.

Auditing of accounts

9. Members agreed to ask Des McNulty of 16 Kelvinside Gardens to perform this role.

Crime statistics

10. CM agreed to take forward the CC’s wish to record information provided by the police in a set of consistent categories in order that there could be comparison between entries.

Councillor’s report

11. JMcK reported that :

  • he had taken action on litter bins in Oban Drive as requested
  • Hotspur street playpark had been resurfaced but further work was necessary;missing equipment would be replaced
  • hatching will be put in n place to try to deal with problems of parked cars blocking vision at Raeberry street; a hole had been filled on the same street;
  • a recent survey of the 60 steps showed movement and a temporary repair involving concrete blocks would be necessary; there will then be a further survey to determine further action.


11. There were no planning items to report. The financial balance was just over £1,000.


12. PB alerted members to a number of items of correspondence including a Planning Aid seminar on the National Waste Plan which JM indicated she would attend. JMcK had objected to an application for a food van outside Firhill on match days and the CC agreed to do likewise.


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