New primary school: public consultation

North Kelvinside Primary School pre-application consultation process: a public drop-in event will be held on Thursday 21st June 2018 between 2pm and 7.30pm, in the Attic Hall, Maryhill Burgh Halls, 10-24 Gairbraid Avenue, Glasgow, G20 8YE.

Text from the poster:


North Kelvinside Primary School

Queen Margaret Drive/Maryhill Road/Kelvinside Avenue
Education Services, Glasgow City Council, are in the process of preparing a planning application for a new primary school with sports facilities, associated car parking, landscaping, an all weather pitch, multi-use games area and ancillary facilities. The proposed development is at the site of the North Kelvinside Pitches bounded by Queen Margaret Drive, Maryhill Road and Kelvinside Avenue.

As part of the pre-application consultation process, a public drop-in event will be held on
Thursday 21st June 2018 between 2pm and 7.30pm, in the Attic Hall, at Maryhill Burgh Halls, 10-24 Gairbraid Avenue, Glasgow, G20 8YE.

Drawings of the proposed development will be on display and representatives of the project team will be in attendance to answer any questions and collect feedback.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please contact Education Services, Glasgow City Council, City Chambers East, 40 John Street, Glasgow, G1 1JL. Contact Tel. No.: 0141 287 2000. Any persons wishing to submit comments in respect of the proposed development should do so by Thursday 28th June 2018 at the above contact details.

This notice does not relate to a planning application. Comments should not be made to Glasgow City Council, Planning. Any comments made to the prospective applicant are not representations to the planning authority. When a planning application is subsequently submitted to Glasgow City Council, normal neighbour notification and publicity will be undertaken at that time and you will have the opportunity to make formal representations regarding the proposal at that time.


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