
NKCC usually meets at 6.30pm on the 1st Tuesday of the month, except July and December. We hold our business meetings in public and North Kelvin residents are welcome to attend.

City councillors usually attend to give reports and take questions and feedback. We also invite representatives of the local police to attend to give us an update on issues of interest to the community, such as crimes reported/detected in the NK area.


Minutes of meetings are available to download.

Meetings in 2024

Meetings are planned for the following Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm. We’ll confirm the venue nearer the time of each meeting.

Check our calendar for details.

  • 9 January (2nd Tuesday, online meeting)
  • 6 February
  • 5 March
  • 2 April
  • 7 May
  • 4 June
  • 6 August
  • 3 September
  • 1 October (plus AGM)
  • 5 November


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  • Neil Paterson

    My name is Neil Paterson & I live at Clouston Street. As I am sure you are aware, the situation regarding parking in the North Kelvinside area has gradually become increasingly difficult over the years, but since the creation of the controlled parking area in Dowanhill (on 15th. of March), this area has become the “free car park” for the west end. A permit in the controlled areas costs £50/year. I am told there are also new Parking Control Zones (PCZ) being established in the Fergus Drive/Oban Drive & Partick areas which will cause even more pressure on our area. A PBZ has also been set up in Ibrox which means football supporters leave their cars here and get the underground to & from Ibrox. I know a number of residents here also feel we have been left with a difficult situation. We intend to come to the next Council meeting & raise this issue.
    Best wishes,

  • Admin-M

    Hi Neil
    Thanks for your message – yes, clearly parking is increasingly problematic in our area. We will be pleased to discuss it at our next meeting (Tues 16th).

  • Keila Meginnis

    Hi there, I’m interested in getting involved with the community. Has the April meeting already happened?

  • NKCC Admin

    Afraid so, but we have a couple of events next weekend you’re welcome to attend if you’re free: Next meeting is on Tues 7 May, venue to be confirmed.

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