
Our community noticeboards are at the top of Belmont Street (opposite Kelvinbridge Parish Church) and on Queen Margaret Drive at the junction with Kelvin Drive.

Community noticeboard at junction of Kelvin Drive and Queen Margaret Drive

If you would like us to display your notice, please read the policy below and then contact us with details (email

Inclusion policy

Space on the noticeboards is limited. We will prioritise, in order:

  1. our own materials, such as notification of meetings/events
  2. information that Glasgow City Council asks us to share
  3. non-commercial information supplied by eg utility companies that is likely to be of ongoing use/interest to the community
  4. information on events likely to be of interest to the community or involving members of the community.

Inclusion is at the discretion of North Kelvin Community Council. If appropriate we will take a decision over an item’s inclusion, either at a meeting or via email.

Items we will not display include:

  • information from political parties seeking election or organisations whose main concern is pro- or anti-independence: we are non-party-political
  • information advertising events that exclude minority groups
  • purely commercial information
  • articles for sale.