Planning Application on Clouston Street pitches

You may have seen the report on New City Vision’s Clouston Street website that they submitted a planning application for the site locally known as the North Kelvin Meadow on 8th May. We were looking out for the application to appear on the Council’s planning portal as the Community Council would be expected to comment on the application. However, we’ve received a letter from the Council’s planning department to let us know that the planning application was incomplete. They have therefore asked New City Vision to submit further information.

The Planning department says: “The development proposal is for 90 residential units (18 townhouses, 26 mews houses and 46 flats) and an area of open space (approximately a quarter of the site).Β  … The application will not be progressed until the applicant has submitted sufficient information to validate the application. When this occurs the Council will formally advertise the application and carry out statutory neighbour notification. At that stage interested parties will have 28 days to make representations.”

We will keep you informed and let you know when the planning application has been validated and is available to view on the Council’s site. New City Vision say they will also make the documents available to view on the Clouston Street website.


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