Minutes – 8 December 2004

Minutes 8 December 2004

Welcome, Registration a. Present: SP, Chair, D G, Vice-Chair, B G, Minute Secretary, Coucillors A L, R N. City Councillor J Mack. b. In attendance: D F-F and R S c. Observing, PC S Mackie and C Addison of Maryhill Community Police c. d. Apologies: R, D K, M T ,J A

2. Minutes of Previous Meetings and Matters Arising The draft minutes of 10 November were approved. SP suggested making the page wider for easier formatting and adding a development slot for other associations to the agenda. Action: BG to add this to the minutes. Proposed by AL, Seconded by DG

3. Police Report: a. The Council welcomed S. Mackie and C. Addison who work in our area. They cover their beat by walking, driving and cycling. They offered to report by email if we want. PC Mackie then gave a detailed report of crimes in our area for the period of 1-30 November. Overall there were 59 crimes and 33 were detected. There were no drug-related or sexual offences in the period. These figures were said to be quite low. It is expected that the figures may rise and will certainly vary from month to month. A number of questions arose: Can individuals clean graffiti? Check with Queens Cross for cleaning materials. One way to stop graffiti is to keep the kids moving. Groups tend to hang about the same places. Phone Maryhill Police Station, say we were told to phone and report the location of a group of kids. Help the police to locate them. Say that Pc Mackie asked to be informed before they do something serious. The Council liked that idea and suggested notifying neighbours to let them know how to help with this. b. Regarding the Kelvin Walkway, RN reports that a neighbourhood watch along River Kelvin has been proposed. Diana suggested using camera flash to scare people away. Police were said to be not answering calls. Diana also says dog walkers report to police, but when witnesses approached the police, neither mugging was reported. Heather reported car break-in on Belmont St and there was no police report. Pc Mackie recommended calling 532 3754 Community Policing. Ask the officer’s name and ask to be phoned back with report reference number and if this doesn’t happen, contact again (maybe 24 – 48 hours) Get details from office.

4. Councillor Reports a. Neither Councillors Mosson or Malik were in attendance or offered apologies. b. Jim MacKechnie reported that little had been happening lately. c. Walkway meeting: reviewed options including lighting which is not on the agenda now and police thought it would create more problems than it would solve -too many areas of extreme darkness. Lighting needs to be too strong. Idea of neighbourhood watch for walkway has been progressed with provisional date to be confirmed. d. 60 Steps Trust was successfully launched and some money raised through sale of cards. There was a good presentation from relevant parties and positive outcome. About 60 people attended e. planning permission for new tenement – An increased number of objections 3 weeks ago leaded to further discussions with planning officers, basically going back to the developer about bay windows and front gardens. The City Council owns part of the site and there can be an issue over whether the Council can grant itself permission or gain planning consent. If there is a substantial number of objections the matter can be referred to Scottish Executive but JM is seeking legal definition of ‘substantial number’ of objections.

5. Treasurer’s Report no report

6. Planning, Licensing & Northwest Area Committee – no report

7. Information – a. Website and Library The website fully is now up to date with original template. Robina would like to keep the diary up to date and expand on the contacts list. Library. SP proposes vote of thanks for RN’s work in making a catalogue and sorting the materials. b. Kelvin Walkway: RN asked if we want to pursue this if infrastructure for a help line could go in. R went to Fork meeting and set provisional date for 29 Dec at Ha’penny House 12 noon (tbc) for an open meeting to start a neighbourhood watch. FORK feels they are adequate representatives of people near the walkway but Ms Flynn was concerned that FORK are too exclusive. Most crimes seem to come during the day rather than at night. FORK objects to buying bike for the police. Could we do a fund-raiser? Perhaps the neighbourhood watch could organise funding.

8. Health

9. Youth Sub-Committee, CCH, Scottish Civic Forum No Report

10. Communications No Report

11. Current Issues No Report

12. Correspondence a. In future we will put Correspondence before Current issues. DG gets lots of information from Friends of the Earth and John Muir Awards, schools, compost corner, beautiful Scotland in bloom. RNis to share with Dorothy on that. Pat Ferguson’s newsletters, Scottish Civic Forum about new information commissioner, Maryhill Integration network leaflets. Need a place for left-over leaflets. Only other correspondence is working group minutes (CC development issue) minutes don’t say much but we are going to get help with our elections for next year, including a returning officer – various types of training, changes in boundaries at east end. Discussion of insurance arrangements which we pay out of our grant but council’s insurance broker might change the amount of payment for new revised policy. We can write to them if there is something we want to bring forward.

13. AOCB/ Late Issues a. DG found someone who might help with delivering leaflets. She delivers the Glasgwegian. b. The recycle bins opposite Bellhaven nursery don’t seem to be emptied often enough. RN finds there is a lot of overflow. A second plastics bin is needed. ACTION: JM to look into it. c. There was some discussion of postal services not being able to enter tenement blocks and deliver mail, largely due to the change to one delivery per day. Sometimes it is possible for a block to change the security setting so that the postman can press service and get in. The Postie is limited in that he cannot ring bell for someone who is in but for whom there is no letter.

14. Open Forum (Public Contributions) a. Ms Statt, a resident from Clouston Street, with questions and concerns about the Compendium Trust: As Mr McChesney did not arrive, SP and JM attempted to answer some of the questions. The Compendium Trust is working with the City Council and if any houses are built then sports facilities must also be built. There is outline planning permission for a sports facility and houses and sports are to be completed at the same time. NKCC has a delegate space on the board level of CT so we aren’t on the inside at the moment. As the situation is so fluid at the moment, the CT has not felt able to hold another public meeting yet.

15. Next Meeting :12 January 2005


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