Minutes – 15 June 2011

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes
Wednesday 15 June 2011 at 6:30pm
St. Charles School

Present: Ken Andrew (KA) (Vice-Chair); Gordon Barnes (GB) (Website); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JMacK); Jane Morgan (JM) (Planning Officer); Kate Wooding (KW) (Treasurer); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)

In attendance: PC Karen Quick (KQ); PC Iain Wilson (IW)

Apologies: Janet Andrews (JA); Dave Beavan (DB) (Chair); Susie Hallas (SH); Douglas Peacock (DP)

1.     Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

KA welcomed everyone to the meeting and said he would be acting as chair, as DB had submitted apologies.

JM requested a minor change to the draft minutes. JM said in relation to the traffic management discussion, she had said the problem was confined to ‘about 40 minutes during’ term time.

Action: KD to amend the minutes accordingly.

The minutes of the May meeting were approved, subject to the change, by GB and seconded by JM.

KW raised the issue of conducting Community Council (CC) business by email, as this has not been resolved. GB said he would contact the Community Council Resource Centre (CCRC) to see whether there was a need to amend the constitution.

Action: GB to contact the CCRC regarding the constitution.

JM, KW and KA agreed to prepare a one-page draft document outlining how the CC could conduct business by email.

Action: JM, KW and KA to prepare document about conducting business by email.

JM said she had not heard anything back from Alan Russell (AR) about the training offered by Planning Aid and whether Glasgow City Council (GCC) would pay.

Action: JM to following up with AR regarding Planning Aid training.

KA apologised, as he had not contacted Friends of the River Kelvin (FORK) about the CC taking a stall.

2.     Police Report

IW provided crime figures for the last month. There were – 70 thefts, attempted thefts, house break-ins and attempted house break-ins (this figure also includes vehicle thefts); 16 cases of vandalism; 11 common assaults; 4 road traffic offences and 2 robberies.

KW asked whether it would be possible to get the Police Report in advance of the meeting if we set-up a template to be completed. IW thought this would be possible but would check with his Sergeant. KW explained that having the figures recorded on the template each month would allow us to track trends.

KW asked what crime headings should be included on the template. KQ and IW provided the following list – street drinking; breach of the peace; robberies; road traffic offences; youth disorder; shoplifting; house break-ins; attempted house break-ins; vandalism; assaults; thefts and attempted thefts.

Action: KW to prepare the template. IW to check with his Sergeant and then contact KA with the decision.

PB informed the Police that a number of local residents had told him about people hanging around outside the Nisa shop. The group were noisy and used abusive language and local residents had to walk into the road to avoid them. IW said instances like this need to be reported directly to the Police, so it can be logged in the system. The more reports about the same incident the better, as it will go higher up in the system. IW said they would try and carry out a license premise visit next time they are in the area on foot.

3.     Councillor’s Report

JMacK reported local residents in Braeside Street had been polled about changing from metal bins to green wheelie bins. Land Services are currently collating the information.

JMacK said the lamp standard replacement in Clouston Street and Sanda Street has been timetabled for the end of the year.

JMacK reported there had been a review of GCC’s Sports Pitch Strategy. JMacK confirmed that the original plan for the refurbishment of the North Kelvinside pitches was still going ahead, subject to a money contribution from the sale of the North Kelvin Meadow site.

JMacK said the AGM for the 60 Steps Trust is taking place on Monday 20 June. JMacK reported that the trust has managed to accumulate a fair sum of money to date, which is enough to appoint a structural engineer to carry out some preservation work. JMacK said he had organised for Land Services to tidy up the 60 Steps, as there will be a talk tomorrow night as part of the West End Festival.

PB raised the issue of five trees having been cut down on the former school site on Oban Drive. JMacK said an environmental survey will have been carried out and if it was not highlighted on this that they must be kept then they can be destroyed.

Action: JMacK to check the environmental survey.

KW asked about clarity in relation to where the money will go from the sale of the North Kelvin Meadow site. JMacK said it was as he has previously reported.

Action: KW to follow-up with AR.

4.     Planning Officer’s Report

JM said there was nothing of note on the planning lists, just minor alterations to housing.

JM confirmed that the North Kelvin Meadow development was still on the pre-application list.

5.     Information – website

GB reported that he had been in discussion with JM about having more planning detail on our website. Specifically details about our comments/responses to planning applications.

KW suggested adding a link on our website to the GCC planning applications that are relevant to the North Kelvin area. GB said he would look at the GCC website to see whether this is possible to do.

Action: GB to investigate putting an area specific planning application link on our website.

JMacK said GCC is planning to make their planning application system public, so everyone will have online access to the full planning applications.

Action: JMacK to find out when this is likely to happen.

6.     Treasurer’s Report

KW reported the account balance, as of 18 May, is £1,213.14. This has decreased from the previous month by £56.24, which is for hiring the hall for the extra meeting in February.

KW said our bank account has changed to a ‘Treasurer’s Account’, which no longer gives us interest. KW said she would review the paperwork, but does not think it will have much affect.

Action: KW to check there is no annual fee for this account.

7.     Correspondence

PB reported there had been two applications for HMO’s. One is a renewal, the other is a new application in Clouston Street. KA agreed to write on behalf of the CC objecting to this application.

Action: KA to write objection letter. JMacK to check whether there is planning consent.

PB said Alex Hewetson (AH) had written about the reduction in the membership of CC’s, which will be dependent on the size of the area. PB confirmed as of October 2011, the new membership for our CC would be 13 instead of 15.

PB confirmed that AH’s letter also said the proposed boundary change will become effective from October. As a result, GB will no longer be eligible to be a member of this CC. KA acknowledged the CC’s disappointment at this change and the effect on the CC.

8.     AOCB

GB reminded everyone about the Doodle poll to select a date for the Oban Lane clean up. JMacK asked to be notified of the date. It was agreed to conduct the organisation of the clean up by email, as there is no CC meeting in July.

KW said she would make bookings in St. Charles School for August, September and October. It was noted a bigger room was needed in October for the AGM.

Action: KW to make bookings for the next three CC meetings.


Next meeting: 17 August 2011 @ 6.30pm, St. Charles School


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