Minutes – 20 January 2010

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes
Wednesday 20 January 2010 at 6:30pm
St. Charles School

Present: Dave Beavan (DB) (Chair); Ken Andrew (KA) (Vice-Chair); Janet Andrews (JA); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JMacK); Jane Morgan (JM) (Planning Officer); Douglas Peacock (DP); Kate Wooding (KW) (Treasurer); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)

In attendance: PC Gerard Christie (GC); Moira Christie (MC); Dorothy Gow (DG); PC Adam Hookway (AH)

Apologies: Gordon Barnes (GB) (Website & Library); Karen Chung (KC); Kevin Edgar (KE); Liz Edgar (LE); Susie Hallas (SH)

1.     Welcome

DB welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2010 and wished everyone a happy new year.

2.     Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the November meeting were approved by KW and seconded by KA.

3.     Police Report

GC apologised that they have not been in attendance at the last few meetings.

GC reported in the period from 1 November until the present, 103 crimes have been recorded (52 undetected and 51 detected). Of those, there were 12 thefts or attempted thefts from motor vehicles, mainly sat navs or personal property left on display. There were 13 break-ins or attempted break-ins and 14 bike thefts. There were also 30 road traffic crimes, five domestic incidents, four assaults, one of them an unprovoked attack on a student and four racial assaults.

GC said this area is prone to vehicle break-ins and bike thefts, so people should hide sat navs and invest in heavy-duty chains. GC said he could provide some information for the website.

Action: GC to email DB and PB with information that can be added to the website.

4.     Councillor’s Report

JMacK reported that the consultation was complete for the one-way system around St. Charles School and there was no consensus on which option to adopt, so they would probably pursue option 2 as it minimises inconvenience to local residents. Formal consultation will need to take place.

JMacK said he would put the idea of double yellow lines at the bottom of Wilton Street through as a proposition, but traffic calming has already been built into the proposal.

JMacK said safe routes to school are prominently raised in the school, the children do a lot of work on this issue, and it is the adults that are not listening.

JMacK said local residents want to convert the triangle of land between Kelvinside Gardens and the top of Fergus Drive into a wildlife garden and they are willing to do the work themselves. JMacK said he has asked the Park Manager to look into this, but a formal agreement will be needed.

JMacK reported he is investigating why only two of the six grit bins in this area were returned in October, after they had been taken away in the summer for maintenance.

PB reported that the pavement outside the shops on Queen Margaret Drive is now all broken up as a result of the recent bad weather. JMacK said he would look into this matter.

Action: JMacK to look into the state of the pavement on Queen Margaret Drive.

5.     Planning Officer’s Report

JM said there had been four lists since the last meeting, containing three or four applications for changes to residential properties, but nothing substantial in this area.

6.     Treasurer’s Report

DB apologised that he had not been to the bank yet, but said he would do so before the next meeting. KW said it would take about six weeks to change the signatories and gain access to bank statements, so she did not have a definite note of the account balance, but it is approximately £900.

The issue about not having a public space to advertise was raised again. DB suggested adding publicity to the agenda for the next meeting.

Action: PB to add publicity to the agenda for the February meeting.

7.     Information – website

DB said GB sends his apologies for not being able to attend tonight’s meeting, but has sent a brief note.

GB says he is currently working on a demo website, which will replace the current site. GB intends to replicate the current sections of the website, but the new website will allow others to be able to update the website. GB requests that if anyone has any photography to enhance the website they should get in touch with him.

8.     Communications and correspondence

Upcoming events –

  • 6 February: Consultation on plans for the south stand at Partick Thistle’s football ground
  • 13 February: Community Councils Discussion Group meeting about freedom of information and Audit Scotland
  • 20 February: Planning Scotland all day event

PB said there were three notices of changes to licences and two houses of multiple occupancy (HMOs) requests. JMacK said he was getting the HMOs investigated, as there appears to be no planning consent.

PB asked whether it would be possible to purchase headed paper for the letters he sends in his capacity as Secretary. DB suggested it would be better to create a word template rather than spend money on headed paper.

Action: DB to ask GB to create a word template for official letters.

9.     AOCB

JM said there is a litter problem on the wasteland near the bookmakers on Maryhill Road. JMacK said he would look and see whether it was possible for the Council to do a one-off clean up.

Action: JMacK to investigate the possibility of a one-off litter clean up on wasteland on Maryhill Road.

Next meeting: 17 February 2010 @ 6.30pm, St. Charles School


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