Minutes – 17 February 2010
North Kelvin Community Council Minutes
Wednesday 17 February 2010 at 6:30pm
St. Charles School
Present: Dave Beavan (DB) (Chair); Ken Andrew (KA) (Vice-Chair); Janet Andrews (JA); Gordon Barnes (GB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Kevin Edgar (KE); Liz Edgar (LE); Susie Hallas (SH); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JMacK); Jane Morgan (JM) (Planning Officer); Douglas Peacock (DP); Kate Wooding (KW) (Treasurer); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)
Apologies: Karen Chung (KC)
1. Welcome
DB welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
DB apologised for not having contacted GB about creating a word template for official letters. DB explained to GB the discussion at the previous meeting.
Action: GB to create a word template for official letters.
PB said it was him who had mentioned the condition of the pavement on Queen Margaret Drive under item four of the previous minutes.
DB asked PB to add ‘Website’ as a standing item on the agenda.
Action: PB to add ‘Website’ to the agenda for future meetings.
The minutes of the January meeting were approved by KA and seconded by JM, subject to the minor correction.
3. Police Report
DB said he had not received any apologies from the Police and said he would contact them in advance of the next meeting.
Action: DB to contact the Police before the next meeting.
4. Councillor’s Report
JMacK reported that all the one-way system comments had been submitted and analysed and there was agreement in principle to go out to consultation. JMacK said it could be months before the formal consultation process can begin, as there is a long queue. This could result in the one-way system not being in situ for 18 months, if this is the case then the Council will look into temporary measures. JMacK said the Traffic Operations Manager has been asked to look and see whether it is possible to move the proposal up the queue.
JMacK said that as he had thought the pavement on Queen Margaret Drive has not been down that long, but when he looked it was all cracked and you could feel it move under your feet. JMacK said the condition of the pavement was currently being investigated to make sure it is safe.
JMacK reported that the Council are currently investigating who owns the wasteland next to the Bookmakers on Maryhill Road, but in the interim a one-off clean up will be carried out. JM said there used to be a bin by the bus stop that has been removed, this may be contributing to the litter problem. JMacK said he would look into reinstating the bin.
Action: JMacK to look into the missing bin and whether it can be reinstated.
JMacK reported that the Head of the Property Section, Andy Young (AY) has written to the North Kelvin Meadow Campaign and if they fulfil a set of conditions then they will be allowed to continue on the site for the growing season. Site investigation work is due to begin in March, but this can be carried out around the planting. Building work is expected to start on site at the end of 2010 or the beginning of 2011. DP said the North Kelvin Meadow Campaign lawyers are talking to AY.
JA said she has not received any notification that the day for domestic refuge uplift on Fergus Drive has changed. JMack said as of 1 February there has been radical changes with the implementation of the four-day on four-day off system and people should have been notified if the changes affected them. KW said uplift information is available on the Council’s website.
JM said she understood blue recycling bins were to appear on Kelvinside Gardens with the new regime, JMacK said that was correct. JM said they have not appeared yet, JMacK said he would investigate.
Action: JMacK to investigate the situation with regards to blue recycling bins being introduced in Kelvinside Gardens.
LE reported that their blue bins were not being returned to where they have been taken from and have sometimes been left on top of bulbs. JMacK suggested inviting Steven Egan (SE) to a Community Council meeting.
Action: PB to invite SE to the April meeting.
5. Planning Officer’s Report
JM reported there were one or two planning applications for small residential changes and a notice of intent to make a planning application with regards to the Firhill development. DB said this would be discussed under item 6 on the agenda.
6. Discussion on future planning at Patrick Thistle F.C.
DB reported that PB and him had attended the Firhill consultation event on 6 February.
The master plan is to redevelop the stadium and also the waste ground to the north of the canal. They want to keep the waste ground as green space, but turn it into training pitches for the club and the local community.
DB circulated his copy of the plans and said he would pursue his request for an electronic copy for uploading to the website. GB said he could scan the hard copy and circulate it to the Community Council members. DB also said he had a copy of the proposed timeline and said he would forward this on.
Action: DB to request an electronic copy of the plans for the website. GB to scan the hard copy of the plans, for circulation to Community Council members. DB to forward on the proposed timeline.
DB said the club and architects are keen to do a good job of the consultation process, but it is new to them, as the law only came into effect in November.
DB reported there would be 36 private flats and 37 social housing flats, which are earmarked for Queen’s Cross Housing, but they may not have the finances. PB said there would also be a football stand with a capacity for 300, which would be for families to use.
DB said the next meeting in March would be a joint meeting with Possilpark Community Council and the architects would also be attending. It was agreed this meeting should be a public meeting and advertised on the website.
Action: GB to advertise the public meeting on the website.
7. Information – website
GB reported that the new website will replicate the existing site, but allow others to make updates. GB asked everyone to think about other information that could be added or possible ways to extend the use of the site e.g. a blog.
It was agreed to create a Website subgroup to progress the development of the new website more quickly. The group would meet outside of the usual meetings and KA, DB, KW and SH volunteered to assist GB on the subgroup.
8. Treasurer’s Report
KW reported the account balance is now £893.
KW said that now DB has completed the necessary paperwork she will be sent a notification when the signatories are changed, but she will chase this up in a few weeks if she has not received the notification.
9. Communications and correspondence
PB said we had received a request from NSPCC to promote awareness of their helpline. DB said we receive a lot of requests like this and suggested the website subgroup should discuss whether advertising things like this on the website is the right place.
PB reported there were two HMOs on Clouston Street, but they are licence renewals. JMacK said he had looked into these and they have planning consent.
PB said the Community Council Resource Centre had sent a request for the Community Council’s audited accounts. KE said he had submitted the last set of accounts in the autumn, PB to query the letter.
Action: PB to query the request for the Community Council’s audited accounts.
PB said the Community Council had received an invite to the Draft Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan consultation workshop on 9 March, DB said he would like to attend. JM agreed to look at the draft document and provide her comments at the next meeting and then these can be returned by the 18 March deadline.
Action: JM to look at the draft document and bring her comments to the next meeting.
10. AOCB
The issue of publicity and having no central place to advertise was raised again. LE said Curves had said no to putting a notice board in their car park. KD said the pharmacy wall on Fergus Drive had been mentioned previously and it might make a difference now it is Boots. JM said Boots have a corporate social responsibility and there is someone responsible for this in Scotland, she said she would get the contact details.
Action: JM to find out the contact details for the person responsible for Boots corporate social responsibility in Scotland.
JMacK suggested Queen’s Cross Housing might let us put a notice board up on the school site on Oban Drive.
KW suggested renewing the posters. JA suggested advertising in the Local News. KW agreed to write a piece for advertising the public meeting in March.
Action: KW to write a piece for the Local News advertising the public meeting in March.
Next meeting: 17 March 2010 @ 6.30pm, St. Charles School