Minutes – 17 March 2010
North Kelvin Community Council Minutes
Wednesday 17 March 2010 at 6:30pm
St. Charles School
Present: Dave Beavan (DB) (Chair); Ken Andrew (KA) (Vice-Chair); Janet Andrews (JA); Gordon Barnes (GB) (Website & Library); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Karen Chung (KC); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JMacK); Jane Morgan (JM) (Planning Officer); Kate Wooding (KW) (Treasurer); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)
In attendance: Nick Blair (NB), ZM Architecture; Greg Forbes (GF); Erik Geddes (EG), Local News Glasgow; Mark Hamilton (MH), ZM Architecture; Stuart Sharp (SS)
Apologies: Kevin Edgar (KE); Liz Edgar (LE); Douglas Peacock (DP)
1. Welcome
DB welcomed everyone to the meeting. DB introduced NB and MH from ZM Architecture, who were present to discuss the development at Partick Thistle.
2. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
The minutes of the February meeting were approved by JA and seconded by JM.
3. Police Report
DB said he had asked the Police to provide a written report instead of attending the meeting, but had not received anything. DB said he would contact PC Gerard Christie and explain that the Community Council would like the Police to attend every meeting and when this is not possible, to provide a written report instead.
Action: DB to contact the Police before the next meeting.
4. Councillor’s Report
JMacK reported that blue recycling bins have now been delivered to residents on Kelvinside Gardens.
JMacK said the wasteland next to the Bookmakers on Maryhill Road has now been cleaned up, but unfortunately litter is starting to appear again. JMacK explained that the site is jointly owned and the owners have been written to, requesting that they maintain the site. JMacK reported that a waste bin has been re-installed at the bus stop near this site, as well as one on the other side of the road.
JMacK reported that the one-way system in and around St. Charles School has been agreed in principal, but it will be months before it is in place. Unfortunately any temporary measures would also be subject to a traffic order delay.
DB asked PB if Steven Egan (SE) from Environmental Services has been invited to the next meeting, PB confirmed he had.
5. Planning Officer’s Report
JM reported that other than the continued advertising in relation to the Partick Thistle development, there had only been a couple of residential proposals, no non-residential proposals.
JM said she had looked on the Council website for a map showing the boundary of the Glasgow West conservation area. JMacK said it should be on the City Plan pages. NB confirmed that this map is available on the subdirectory of the City Plan pages.
6. Information – website
GB apologised for not been able to make progress with the website. GB asked the Website subgroup to stay behind at the end, to arrange a date for the first meeting.
7. Treasurer’s Report
KW confirmed that the signatories have been changed and that she is now receiving bank statements. KW reported the account balance is now £908.02.
KW said she was currently redoing the accounts, as the Community Council Resource Centre had not received the audited accounts submitted last year.
KW reported that she was looking into setting up a direct debit for the room hire.
8. Communications and correspondence
PB reported there was a licence renewal for an HMO on Queen Margaret Drive. JMacK confirmed there was no planning consent. PB said there was also a request for the granting of an HMO on Wilton Street. KA suggested that the Community Council, as a point of principal, should object to this request.
Action: PB to write a letter of objection with regards to the request for an HMO on Wilton Street.
Upcoming events –
- 31 March: Planning Aid Scotland breakfast seminar. JM said meetings should not be held at breakfast time unless absolutely necessary.
Action: PB to reply, reflecting the Community Councils view on the timing of this seminar.
- 10 April: Community Council Discussion Group – PB to attend
9. Presentation of Partick Thistle development
DB explained that NB and MH from ZM Architecture would give a brief presentation on the planned development at Patrick Thistle, then he proposed the Community Council members discuss the presentation and come up with any comments or questions and these can then be presented to NB and MH.
DB apologised that the members of the public present would not be able to contribute their views directly in the discussion, as the architects are requesting the views of the elected Community Council. He explained that they are getting a sneak peak at the plans and would have an opportunity for discussion and to raise any questions at the public meeting that is being held at Partick Thistle on Tuesday.
NB explained that under the new planning regulations, which came into effect on 3 August 2009, there is greater scope for interaction with local communities. Every planning application with over 50 units must go through a 12-week formal consultation process before the planning application can be submitted. The consultation must be with the relevant Community Council and a public event must be held. After the consultation period ends a report will be written and submitted along with the planning application.
MH said the proposed development of the south terracing was a mixed-use development. There will be three residential blocks sitting above a base unit, which is currently designated as commercial/football club space, but this has not been finalised. One block will contain 36 one and two bed flats for private sale, while the other two blocks will contain 37 one and two bed flats for social housing. There are currently discussions taking place with Queens Cross Housing with regards to the social housing flats.
MH explained that there would be gaps between the three blocks, which would provide areas of green and amenity space for the residents. This would be off road, so only accessible to the residents. The development will also provide a modest provision of additional stadium seating, around 300 seats.
NB said ZM Architecture were about five/six weeks away from submitting the planning application, but things still have to be designed, the development is still a work in progress.
JMacK raised the issue of the fact that there will be 73 flats and only 18 parking spaces provided. NB said they had been advised through engagement with the Planning Department, that there did not need to be any car parking spaces for the social housing and 50% provided for the private housing.
NB said they appreciated the issue of parking spaces could be a problem and explained that Partick Thistle has approximately 160 parking spaces behind the Jackie Husband stand, which are only utilised on match days. NB said they would look into defining how these parking spaces could be used/managed during the week, but still maintain the ability to close South Drive off for fans on match day. JM said she was worried that the lack of parking would push the problem outwards.
The Community Council requested that ZM Architecture address the issue of parking spaces and look into the ability to provide more. The preference would be for undercroft or integrated parking.
GB queried having commercial/retail space as part of the development. NB said it made the best use of the available space and that the development company were currently trying to find out the market for tenants. NB explained the space had been left flexible, so that small or large units can be catered for. JM said she was concerned about the effect on the vibrancy of Maryhill Road, with the proposed shops appearing nearby.
NB confirmed that Queens Cross Housing has still not confirmed, but discussions are at a fairly advanced stage. KC said that not providing family housing was surely at odds with what the local community needs. NB agreed, but said that providing family housing on this development would not work.
KA raised the issue of the current mix of material in the area and hoped that the development would blend in with the current environment, to ensure it becomes part of the community. NB confirmed that the direction they are currently going in, due to cost, is a building made of brick and masonry.
JMacK raised the issue of the space behind the pillars at ground level, which might provide an area for anti-social behaviour. NB said he would take this on board.
JMacK said that it was important that Patrick Thistle flourishes, as it brings revenue to the local area on match days.
10. AOCB
JA raised the issue again of rubbish being dumped in the street. DB suggested that JA bring this up at the next meeting, when SE from Environmental Services will be in attendance.
Next meeting: 21 April 2010 @ 6.30pm, St. Charles School