Minutes – 16 June 2010

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes

Wednesday 16 June 2010 at 6.30pm

St. Charles School

Present: David Beavan (DB) (Chair); Ken Andrew (KA) (Vice-Chair); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JMacK); Jane Morgan (JM) (Planning Officer); Douglas Peacock (DP); Kate Wooding (KW) (Treasurer); Councillor Kieran Wild (KiW); Susie Hallas (SH)

In attendance: George Mitchell (GM)

Apologies: Janet Andrews (JA); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)


DB thanked everyone who helped at the successful stall in the West End Festival.

Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the May meeting were approved by DP and seconded by JM.

In the absence of KD it was agreed that SH would take the minutes for the meeting.

Police Report

DB expressed concern at the lack of police attendance and agreed to remind them before the next meeting.

Action: DB to contact police.

Communications and correspondence

PB noted the proposed name for the new development on the old school site on Oban Drive is Kelvinside Grove.

A member of NKCC has been invited to attend a community consultation regarding the 2014 Commonwealth Games. KW agreed to attend if possible.

Action: KW to attend Commonwealth Games consultation.

PB noted that Patrick Harvie MP had written expressing an interest in attending a meeting.

Action: PB to email and invite Patrick Harvie MP to future meetings.

Councillor’s Report

KiW began by confirming that there are three units to be built on the site at the bottom of Oban Drive, one of which will be a Tesco Metro.

KiW also reported that he had heard from some local residents that the placing of new road signs in Doune Quadrant had caused some confusion.

KiW also mentioned that the North Kelvin Meadow committee had asked him to chase up and clarify the current lease situation.

JMacK then took over and confirmed that the road surfacing programme to fill in potholes at the bottoms of Wilton Street and Queen Margaret Road will go ahead this year.

JMacK reported that those currently residing in the former residence of war hero Lieutenant John “Jock” Young have been written to requesting permission for the placing of a memorial plaque on the building. Five positive responses have been received so far.

Regarding Doune Quadrant, JMacK confirmed that there had been some dissention from residents over the decision made to put Keep Clear notices on the barriers separating Doune Quadrant from Doune Gardens. JMacK agreed that there had been a mistake made in that work had been allowed to commence under the jurisdiction of a councillor from outside the North Kelvin ward, with elected members having not been notified. Until the problems are cleared up, work has been halted.

JMacK has raised the issue of police absences at Community Council meetings with the Police Superintendent. He intends to keep on top of the issue with senior police officers in order to encourage a resumption of regular attendance.

Discussion on Future Funding to Outside Organisations

DB introduced the discussion regarding the issue previously brought to the NKCC’s attention of sponsoring t-shirts for a children’s football team from the North Glasgow Football Development Group. A decision needed to be made over whether money should be given.

KA proposed for the motion. JM proposed against.

KA supported the motion by commenting that having a NKCC logo on the strips of the young players is a perfect way to engage with the community and thereby bring much needed exposure to the community council. It would be a good way of fulfilling our social responsibility and a good strip with our branding would give the children a sense of the ethos of community.

JM spoke against the motion by arguing that such sponsorship is not truly the place of tax-payer funded organisations such as the NKCC, but of commercial enterprise. She pointed out that the NKCC should use its money to help in areas where other funds are less likely to materialise. She was unsure that this was the correct niche for the NKCC’s money.

Discussion ensued. After a vote, the motion was voted against and it was agreed that NKCC would discuss further how better to use its money.

Actions: PB to write to North Glasgow Football Development Group to inform them of the decision. Also GB needs to change the notice on the NKCC website to read that NKCC offers resources rather than money to those who apply.

Consultation on Glasgow West Conservation Area

JM noted that a consultation paper had been sent to her regarding the proposal to extend the Conservation Area, which is part of the current assessment of Glasgow West Conservation Area as a whole. Questions were raised by this, for example, will it cost money to apply for conservation consent to do with altering windows, adding satellite dishes, and changing other exterior features. JM asked if we should respond positively to the plans.

DP proposed a motion to this effect, with KA seconding. It was passed unanimously.

Action: JM to respond positively to the consultation, raising the NKCC’s queries in her response.

Planning Officer’s Report

JM noted that one application had been received for planning permission for a House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) in our ward, on Clouston Street. JMacK pointed out that there has been a presumption against them in neighbouring Hillhead ward, which he had objected to on the strength of the fact that it would only serve to displace applications for HMOs to North Kelvin.

JM asked if the NKCC should object to the application in principle, or whether more specific details should be obtained. KA agreed to check the address to see if it is a main door property or a close, and report back. It was agreed to object to the application if the property isn’t a main door property, but also to object on principle even if it is.

Actions: KA to investigate property further. JM to object to the application.

Web Master’s Report

Due to the absence of GB this was postponed to the next meeting. However, DB mentioned that he had checked on how to update the Community Council display at Hillhead Library, and discovered that NKCC needs to send its information to them in PDF format.

Treasurer’s Report

KW noted that NKCC has £1331.62 in the bank, but that £80 has to come off for payment for the stall at the West End Festival, and £7.10 has to come off for the room booking fee for this month’s meeting.


GM attended the meeting to bring to NKCC’s attention the state of Oban Lane which is very messy and in disrepair. There are old road signs and used road lamps left in the lane, as well as cut tree trunks lying providing a hazard. The lane is also strewn with rubbish and very dirty.

DB asked JMacK what the Council could do to help.

JMacK remarked that as Oban Lane was a private lane, day-to-day cleanliness was the responsibility of all the owners whose properties backed onto the lane i.e. those in Oban Drive and Fergus Drive.

JMacK then agreed that old road signs and lamps should have been removed and agreed to follow this up. The issue of the tree trunks was a separate matter and JMacK agreed to also find out why an order had been issued to clear them and then not actioned.

KW suggested that NKCC could organise community council clean up days to help in situations such as this one. JMacK said that the Land and Environment Services would most likely support this. Contacting Stephen Egan to ask for support would be a possibility.

A date of 29th August was proposed by KW for a clean-up of Oban Lane, and agreed unanimously.

Action: DB to contact Stephan Egan to ask for support in the 29th August clean-up.

It was noted that the new shop on Queen Margaret Drive, on the site of the old Victoria Wine, was now trading (as a Nisa Today) selling groceries and alcohol. The question was raised about whether they should have applied for a new license. JMacK agreed to follow this up.

JM asked for NKCC letterheads. KW agreed that these were needed and suggested getting business cards and postcards made too. This is to be discussed at the next meeting.

Action: PB to include discussion on NKCC stationary on agenda for next meeting.

KW also mentioned that after the discussion regarding spending our money, it has become evident that the community council needs to consider how best to use it. She requested that it be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

Action: PB to add discussion on spending the community council’s money to agenda for next meeting.

Next meeting: 18th August 2010 @ 6.30pm, St. Charles School


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