Minutes – 18 August 2010
North Kelvin Community Council Minutes
Wednesday 18 August 2010 at 6:30pm
Kelvinside Gardens
Present: Dave Beavan (DB) (Chair); Ken Andrew (KA) (Vice-Chair); Gordon Barnes (GB) (Website); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JMacK); Jane Morgan (JM) (Planning Officer); Douglas Peacock (DP); Kate Wooding (KW) (Treasurer); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)
Apologies: Janet Andrews (JA); Karen Chung (KC); Kevin Edgar (KE); Liz Edgar (LE)
1. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
DB thanked Susie Hallas (SH) and KD for their joint effort on the previous minutes. DB asked for the spelling of Stephen Egan’s name to be corrected. The minutes of the June meeting were approved by KA and seconded by PB.
DB said he was liaising with Development and Regeneration Services regarding the Oban Lane clean up and this is still planned for 29 August.
JMacK reported that when Victoria Wine went into liquidation, the administrator found a new tenant (Nisa) and transferred the licence with the property. As it was not a new licence there was no requirement to notify the Community Council.
KW said she had attended the 2014 legacy event. This was a brainstorming session for community organisations on how they can get involved and offer ideas on how the Commonwealth Games can help the local community. KW said the organisers were going to collect the ideas and circulate them, she said she would chase this up.
Action: KW to obtain information from the event organisers and circulate to the Community Council.
2. Police Report
DB said he had reminded the Police of the meeting and it was a shame they were not present, as there were things to tell them.
3. Councillor’s Report
JMacK reported that a local resident of Doune Quadrant had carried out an informal consultation about parking and turning. There was no clear preference, so a formal consultation took place, which closed on Monday. JMacK said there were 114 flats in the area and 50 responses had been received, the results were currently being collated.
JMacK said the lollipop person covering Wilton Street and Yarrow Gardens had contacted him to report that when cars are parked in this area the sight line is obstructed, which is dangerous. JMacK said he would arrange for the white boxes to be reinstated, as they are currently very faded.
JMacK reported that a pilot scheme will start on Monday across three locations in Glasgow and if it is successful, will be rolled out across the rest of the city. A camera will be installed on the top of lollipops, so that if drivers do not obey the lollipop, their licence plate will be recorded and action taken.
JMacK confirmed that kerbside glass recycling is finally being rolled out across Glasgow. JMacK said a leaflet would be sent out prior to the arrival of the bins and that collection will be once a month on the same day as the blue bin collection.
PB reported that there were a number of hedges in the local area that are encroaching onto the pavements. There was a discussion about how to tackle this problem. It was agreed to produce a friendly encouraging letter from the Community Council to highlight that the Oban Lane clean up had taken place and how the Community Council now wanted to help them. PB said there were a couple of particularly bad areas and said he would pass the details to JMacK.
Action: PB to provide address details to JMacK, who will look into whether anything can be done.
4. Discussion on Community Council Stationery
There was a discussion about different types of stationery. It was agreed that GB would produce a Word template for use as headed paper and KW would explore the possibility of producing Community Council postcards.
Action: GB to produce a headed paper template. KW to look into costs of postcards.
5. Discussion on How Best to Use Community Council Money
It was agreed not to provide grants to organisations as time and resources are more effective e.g. Oban Lane clean up.
JM suggested purchasing some basic gardening equipment that local people can borrow from the Community Council. DP said the Community Council might not be able to loan out electrical tools because of health and safety issues, but getting insurance might solve this problem. JM agreed to investigate insurance options.
GB suggested the clean up could become a regular event, with the Community Council going to different areas and encouraging community involvement. KA suggested visibility was key while doing work in the community e.g. hi vis waistcoats or t-shirts. KW agreed to obtain quotes. KW said she would work out a budget for the regular costs, so the Community Council knew what was left over.
Action: JM to look into insurance options for loaning out electrical tools. KW to obtain quotes for hi vis waistcoats and t-shirts and prepare a budget.
6. Planning Officer’s Report
JM reported that she had responded on behalf of the Community Council in support of extending the conservation area. JM said she had also returned comments on the Firhill development, regarding whether car-parking provision was sufficient.
JM said there had only been domestic alterations on the planning lists recently.
7. Information – website
GB reported the new website was progressing well and should be able to go live soon, hopefully by the next meeting. GB said he appeared to be missing a lot of previous minutes, DB said the Community Council Resource Centre should be able to help.
DB asked GB to keep the date of the next meeting up to date on the current website and suggested putting a note saying ‘new website coming soon’. DB said he did not want the Community Council to appear dormant.
Action: GB to maintain the meeting dates on the current website and add a note about the new website.
8. Treasurer’s Report
KW reported the account balance is now £1,425.88.
KW said the Council had not received the direct debit mandate for the room booking, so she is still paying the invoices when they arrive. KW agreed to contact the Council to find out what had happened to the booking for today’s meeting.
Action: KW to check if the reservation has been received for the upcoming meetings.
9. Correspondence
The next community council discussion forum is on 4 September and will discuss the next phase of consultation on the City Plan, specifically strategic/environmental assessments. KW agreed to attend on behalf of the Community Council.
Correspondence was received from a reporter, Gillian Lunney. KW agreed to reply and add her details to the list of press contacts she has compiled, which can be shared in Google Docs when this has been set-up.
Action: KW to reply to Gillian Lunney.
10. AOCB
DP said North Kelvin Meadow was still negotiating the lease, as the Council had wanted to include names. DP explained the site is 1.3 hectares and if anything happens then those named will be liable, so they have formed a limited company.
DP reported that North Kelvin Meadow has received a letter from New City Vision, as part of the pre-consultation process and will be meeting up with them.
Next meeting: 15 September 2010 @ 6.30pm, St. Charles School