Minutes – 20 October 2010

North Kelvin Community Council Minutes
Wednesday 20 October 2010 at 6:30pm
St. Charles School

Present: Dave Beavan (DB) (Chair); Janet Andrews (JA); Ken Andrew (KA) (Vice-Chair); Gordon Barnes (GB) (Website); Peter Blackshaw (PB) (Secretary); Councillor Jim MacKechnie (JMacK); Jane Morgan (JM) (Planning Officer); Douglas Peacock (DP); Kate Wooding (KW) (Treasurer); Kirsty Davidson (KD) (Minute Secretary)

In attendance: Jamie Beaumont (JBea); PC James Burns (JB); John Lawson (JL) (Chair, Wyndford and District Community Council); PC Nicola Thom (NT); Nick Wright (NW) (Representing New City Vision); Liam Young (LY)

Apologies: PC Alana Beattie (AB); Kevin Edgar (KE); Liz Edgar (LE); Susie Hallas (SH); PC Fraser Reid (FR); PC Ross Whyte (RW)

1.     Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

DB welcomed everyone and thanked Jamie Beaumont (JBea), John Lawson (JS) and Liam Young (LY) for attending.

The minutes of the September meeting were approved by KW and seconded by JM.

DB suggested swapping items 4 and 5 on the agenda for continuity, this was agreed.

2.     Police Report

PC Nicola Thom (NT) provided the crime figures for last month. There were – 37 thefts (3 detections), 9 cases of vandalism (1 detection), 9 road traffic offences (all detected), 2 serious assaults (both detected), 1 attempted murder (detected) and 1 drug offence (detected).

JA requested that cases of domestic assault be included in future. NT said she would pass this information on to PC Ross Whyte (RW).

Action: NT to inform RW of the request for domestic assault figures in future.

DP reported that the clothes-recycling bin on Kelbourne Street had recently been set on fire. NT reported that there was an extra anti-social bus on duty in the area to try and tackle this problem.

PB said cars on Oban Drive had been getting vandalised and he suspected students. NT said her colleague, PC Fraser Reid (FR) had given a number of talks to students at Murano Street. NT said she would pass this information on to FR.

Action: NT to inform FR that students are suspected of vandalising cars on Oban Drive.

NT was informed of a burnt out motorbike located at Belmont Street/River Kelvin. NT said she would contact the Council to arrange for this to be removed.

Action: NT to arrange for removal of burnt out motorbike.

3.     Presentation of Clouston Street Development

DB welcomed Nick Wright (NW) to the meeting, who is representing the developers, New City Vision.

NW explained that the pre-application process has not started yet, so he would like to come back to a meeting in a few months with the proposal.

NW said the plans are unlikely to stay the same, e.g. the mix of housing and green space could change. The number of housing units could drop to 90 and the amount of green space could increase by 20%. NW explained that the developers want to redraft the proposal with input from the local community, which is why they will be consulting with local groups e.g. consulting Scout groups and school children for views on how the green space could best be used.

NW reported that the developers have set-up a website (www.cloustonstreet.co.uk), where there is information about the proposed development including the design that won the competition and a comments page.

NW said the developers plan to hold a public event for ideas gathering before Christmas, if possible. NW explained there would be no proposals presented at this event, as it is an opportunity for the local community to shape the design of the development. JMacK and others raised concerns about this approach. JMacK said the developers had won the competition based on the design they submitted and there is limited scope for change. JMacK said New City Vision must display its design at the public event and clearly explain the limitations of the development, so the public are aware of what it is and is not possible to influence at this stage.

NW said they would hold a second public event to present the revised proposal. It was agreed that NW would attend the January Community Council meeting to present a draft form of this, shortly before the second public event. The Community Council agreed to form its views shortly after this and submit a report to the developers.

4.     North Kelvin Meadow Campaign

KW, on behalf of the North Kelvin Meadow Campaign, invited all Community Council members to visit the site at 1pm on 24 October for a guided tour. As not all members were present, DB asked KW to send the invite via email.

Action: KW to email Community Council members to invite them to visit the North Kelvin Meadow.

5.     Councillor’s Report

JMacK said he had been informed that the property on Kelvinside Gardens East has the correct planning consent for remodelling. JM reported that she was also looking into the situation, to see whether there is planning consent for a new building, as the existing property has been completely knocked down.

JMacK said the height of the building at the bottom of Oban Drive is not in breach of planning consent. The height of the new building has to be in line with the height of 97 Oban Drive not properties on Queen Margaret Drive.

JMacK reported that he was currently dealing with a multiple occupancy property on Wilton Street. The property has no planning consent, no licence and there is also a problem with anti-social behaviour.

JMacK said there would be a £900m cut to the Scottish grant, but it is still not known how this will impact local councils. JMacK said the Council was currently constructing a draft budget and was looking at a spending gap of £45m.

DB reported that he had attended a presentation on the financial future of the Council on 2 October. The main information from this event was the preservation of key services, despite cuts of £180m over three years.

JMacK said voluntary redundancies would be spread out over three years and that internal structures were currently being remodelled to streamline processes.

PB raised the issue of potholes and specifically the dangerous one at Queen Margaret Drive/Maryhill Road. JMacK confirmed this pothole was on the schedule for repair.

KA raised the issue of lamp standards on both Sanda Street and Clouston Street. KA reported they were rusted and unsafe, with one recently falling off completely, JMacK agreed to investigate.

Action: JMacK to arrange for inspection of lamp standards on Sanda Street and Clouston Street.

6.     Planning Officer’s Report

JM said there was nothing of note on the planning lists, just residential alterations.

JM reported that a multiple occupancy notice for a property on Clouston Street had been refused.

7.     Information – website

GB reported that he had made a lot of progress on the development of the new website and said he would email around the web address for the development site.

Action: GB to email Community Council members with the web address for the development site of the new website.

GB again made a request for images for the new website and asked those who have not completed the contact details form to do so.

Action: Community Council members to notify GB how they want their contact details displayed on the new website.

GB said he had contacted the Community Council Resource Centre about the missing minutes. JMacK said he would probably have the missing minutes and asked GB to give him the details.

Action: GB to give JMacK a definitive list of the missing dates.

GB said he would organise another meeting of the subgroup to discuss further developments.

Action: GB to organise a meeting of the website subgroup.

8.     Correspondence

PB said there had been two requests for licence changes, but no request for a liquor licence from Tesco as yet, we cannot submit a response until this is received.

PB said the Community Council had received an invite to attend an event on Tuesday 26 October from 5.30-7.30pm regarding the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan Main Issues Report. As this was predominantly regarding the Clyde Valley, it was agreed no one would attend.

9.     Treasurer’s Report

KW reported the account balance is now £1,327.08 and that the direct debit has now been set-up for the room hire.

KW apologised for not sending around the proposed budget, but said she would.

Action: KW to email proposed budget to the Community Council.

KW reported that she had obtained costings for t-shirts and said it would be possible to get hi-vis jackets as well. Vista was coming in at £7 for a t-shirt and Printing.com at £17 for polo shirts and £19 for sweatshirts.

10.  AOCB

JM asked if there had been any further developments regarding the ‘Clean-Up’. DB said he has to get in touch with George Mitchell (GM) to see if he wants to go ahead or wait until the spring.

Action: DB to contact GM to find out about the proposed ‘Clean-Up’.

JA reported that Grant and Wilson factor her close and that she had recently received a letter from them about a bargain price for installing Sky and that if you did not reply within 14 days they would proceed with installing Sky. JMacK suggested forwarding the letter on to Patricia Ferguson MSP, as she is currently trying to put a Bill through Parliament that this would be useful evidence for.

Next meeting: 17 November 2010 @ 6.30pm, St. Charles School


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